フォントをロードし、グリフが見つからない場合に出力するのに使用する置換する文字を指定します。U+20AC としてフォントで提供しているユーロサインの出力を様々な表記でデモします。また、フォントで提供されている ffi と表現される合字をさまざまな表記で出力します。フォントで提供されている旧字体の g を出力します。フォントで提供されている旧字体の s を出力します。フォントで提供されていない st の合字を出力します。「glyphcheck=replace」また「glyphcheck=none」オプションを使用してグリフがない場合に置換されます。合字 st が s と t の二つの文字に置換されるよう設定することを「glyphcheck」によって制御します。フォントで提供されていない Ohm グリフを出力します。「glyphcheck」に従って、オメガ文字に置換されます。
* Glyph replacement:
* Show the effects of glyph substitution in case of glyphs missing in the font
* Load the font and specify a replacement character to be used to output
* missing glyphs.
* Demonstrate various notations to output the Euro sign as U+20AC which is
* available in the font.
* Show various other combinations of available and unavailable glyphs.
* Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9
* Required data: font file
package com.pdflib.cookbook.pdflib.fonts;
import com.pdflib.pdflib;
import com.pdflib.PDFlibException;
public class glyph_replacement
public static void main (String argv[])
/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
String searchpath = "../input";
String outfile = "glyph_replacement.pdf";
String title = "Glyph Replacement";
pdflib p = null;
int font, x=30, x2=180, x3=360, x4=520, y=550, yoff=30;
String inp, repl, norepl;
int exitcode = 0;
try {
p = new pdflib();
p.set_option("searchpath={" + searchpath + "}");
/* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
if (p.begin_document(outfile, "") == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook");
p.set_info("Title", title);
/* Load the font "NotoSerif-Regular" with "unicode" encoding.
* "replacementchar=?" defines a question mark to be used for glyph
* substitution in case of a missing glyph.
font = p.load_font("NotoSerif-Regular", "unicode", "replacementchar=?");
if (font == -1)
throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg());
/* Start page */
p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.height height=a4.width");
/* Define three option lists for fit_textline().
* The "inp" option list is just for descriptive text.
* The "repl" option list enables the interpretation of character
* references using "charref" and uses glyph substitution which is
* enabled by default ("glyphcheck=replace").
* The second option list enables the interpretation of character
* references using "charref" but explicitly disables glyph
* substitution. Alternatively, glyph substitution can be disabled
* with p.set_option("glyphcheck=none");
inp = "font=" + font + " fontsize=14";
repl = "charref font=" + font + " fontsize=22";
norepl = "charref glyphcheck=none font=" + font + " fontsize=22";
/* Output some descriptive header lines for the input, output, and
* remark column
p.fit_textline("Glyphs in the NotoSerif-Regular font", x, y,
"font=" + font + " fontsize=16");
String opts = " underline underlinewidth=1";
p.fit_textline("Input", x, y-=2*yoff, inp + opts);
p.fit_textline("Output", x2, y, inp + opts);
p.fit_textline("Remark", x4, y, inp + opts);
p.fit_textline("glyphcheck=replace", x2, y-=yoff, inp + opts);
p.fit_textline("glyphcheck=none", x3, y, inp + opts);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Use various notations to output the Euro symbol as U+20AC which is
* available in the font.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Java Unicode notation */
p.fit_textline("U+20AC literal", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("\u20AC", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("\u20AC", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference in HTML style with hexadecimal number */
p.fit_textline("€", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("€", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("€", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference in HTML style with decimal number */
p.fit_textline("€", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("€", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("€", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference in HTML style with entity name */
p.fit_textline("€", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("€", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("€", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the font or the
* Adobe Glyph List (AGL)
p.fit_textline("&.Euro;", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("&.Euro;", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("&.Euro;", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the Adobe Glyph
* list (AGL)
p.fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("&.uni20AC;", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Euro glyph available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Use various notations to output the ligature "ffi" which is available
* in the font
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Java Unicode notation */
p.fit_textline("U+FB03 literal", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("\uFB03", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("\uFB03", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("ffi ligature available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Character reference using a glyph name provided by the font or the
* Adobe Glyph List (AGL)
p.fit_textline("&.ffi;", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("&.ffi;", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("&.ffi;", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("ffi ligature available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Output the glyph for a glyph which is not available in the font
* (this problem can be addressed with fallback fonts)
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
p.fit_textline("U+05D0 literal", x, y-=yoff, inp);
p.fit_textline("\u05D0", x2, y, repl);
p.fit_textline("\u05D0", x3, y, norepl);
p.fit_textline("Hebrew glyph Aleph not available in the font", x4, y, inp);
/* Finish page */
} catch (PDFlibException e) {
System.err.println("PDFlib exception occurred:");
System.err.println("[" + e.get_errnum() + "] " + e.get_apiname() +
": " + e.get_errmsg());
exitcode = 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
exitcode = 1;
} finally {
if (p != null) {