package com.pdflib.cookbook.tet.tet_and_pdflib; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.pdflib.TET; import com.pdflib.TETException; import com.pdflib.pdflib; import com.pdflib.PDFlibException; /** * For each page in the document: process the page with TET, place it in a new * output document with PDFlib+PDI, and add Web links. The position and URL of * the generated links is based on the text contents. We look for variations of * the string "PDF/A" and for strings that look like domain names. This is * defined via the regular expression in variable "pattern". *

* The bounding box of the text (plus some margin) is used as annotation * rectangle for a Web link. The option "contentanalysis={nopunctuationbreaks}" * for TET.open_page() prevents the wordfinder from breaking URLs at punctuation * characters such as "/" and ".". *

* Required software: TET 3 and PDFlib+PDI 8 *

* Required data: PDF document * */ class create_web_links { /** * Common search path for PDI and TET to find the input document. */ private static final String DOC_SEARCH_PATH = "../input"; /** * Global option list. The program expects the "resource" directory parallel to * the "java" directory. */ private static final String GLOBAL_OPTLIST = "searchpath={../resource/cmap ../resource/glyphlist " + DOC_SEARCH_PATH + "}"; /** * Document specific option list. */ private static final String DOC_OPTLIST = ""; /** * Page-specific option list. */ private static final String PAGE_OPTLIST = "granularity=word contentanalysis={nopunctuationbreaks}"; /** * The encoding in which the output is sent to System.out. For running the * example in a Windows command window, you can set this for example to * "windows-1252" for getting Latin-1 output. */ private static final String OUTPUT_ENCODING = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); /** * For printing to System.out in the encoding specified via OUTPUT_ENCODING. */ private static PrintStream out; /** * The name of the input file */ private String infilename; /** * The name of the output file */ private String outfilename; /** * The regular expression that shall get annotated with a Web link. In the * example we search for "PDF/A", "PDF/A-1", "PDF/A-1a", "PDF/A-1b" and any * string that starts with "www." and looks like a domain name, with potential * trailing characters like punctuation. We only capture the interesting string * to overlay the link only over this part. */ private static final Pattern SEARCH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(PDF/A(-1[ab]?)?|www(\\.\\w+){2,}).*"); /** * The URL of the web link that shall be placed over the "PDFA..." occurrences. */ private static final String PDFA_URL = ""; /** * Nudge factor for descender height of the Web links (relative to the font * size) */ private static final double DESCENDER = 0.25; /** * Nudge factor for ascender height of the Web links (relative to the font size) */ private static final double ASCENDER = 0.85; /** * The format for printing the x and y coordinate values. */ private NumberFormat coordFormat; /** * The number of links that was created in the output document. */ private int linkCount = 0;; /** * Set this to true to get more verbose output about the creation of the web * links. */ private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; /** * Import the current page from the PDI import document and place it in the * ouput document. * * @param p the pdflib object * @param pdiHandle the PDI handle for the input document * @param pageno the current page number * * @throws PDFlibException an error occurred in the PDFlib API */ private boolean importPdiPage(pdflib p, int pdiHandle, int pageno) throws PDFlibException { /* * The page size will be adjusted later to match the size of the input pages */ p.begin_page_ext(10, 10, ""); int pdiPage = p.open_pdi_page(pdiHandle, pageno, ""); if (pdiPage == -1) { System.err.println("Error: " + p.get_errmsg()); return false; } /* Place the input page and adjust the page size */ p.fit_pdi_page(pdiPage, 0, 0, "adjustpage"); p.close_pdi_page(pdiPage); return true; } /** * Process a page: Creste a new page in the output document, place the page from * the input document in the output document, and create web links for all * occurrences of the relevant text. * * @param tet TET object * @param doc TET document handle * @param p pdflib object * @param pdiHandle PDI document handle * @param pageno The current page number * @throws TETException An error occurred in the TET API * @throws PDFlibException An error occurred in the PDFlib API */ private void process_page(TET tet, final int doc, pdflib p, int pdiHandle, int pageno) throws TETException, PDFlibException { /* * Copy page from input document to output document. */ importPdiPage(p, pdiHandle, pageno); final int page = tet.open_page(doc, pageno, PAGE_OPTLIST); if (page == -1) { System.err.println("Error " + tet.get_errnum() + " in " + tet.get_apiname() + "(): " + tet.get_errmsg()); } else { /* Retrieve all text fragments for the page */ for (String text = tet.get_text(page); text != null; text = tet.get_text(page)) { /* * Check whether this is text that we want to provide with a web link. */ Matcher matcher = SEARCH_PATTERN.matcher(text); if (matcher.matches()) { /* * Determine the geometry for the "interesting" part by looping over the * character information. Calculate with a heuristic factor for ascender and * descender to get the box height correctly. */ String match =; int matchLength = match.length(); tet.get_char_info(page); double llx = tet.x; double lly = tet.y - DESCENDER * tet.fontsize; double urx = tet.x + tet.width; double ury = tet.y + ASCENDER * tet.fontsize; for (int i = 1; i < matchLength && tet.get_char_info(page) != -1; i += 1) { urx += tet.width; if (tet.y + ASCENDER * tet.fontsize > ury) { ury = tet.y + ASCENDER * tet.fontsize; } } /* * Construct the URL, depending on whether we found a domain name or a * "PDF/A..." string. */ String url = match.startsWith("www") ? "http://" + match : PDFA_URL; String optlist = "url=" + url; int action = p.create_action("URI", optlist); /* * Create a web link for the URL. "annotcolor" creates a blue border for each * link. */ optlist = "action={activate=" + action + "} annotcolor={rgb 0 0 1}"; p.create_annotation(llx, lly, urx, ury, "Link", optlist); if (VERBOSE) { out.println("found \"" + match + "\" at" + " lly " + coordFormat.format(llx) + " lly " + coordFormat.format(lly) + " urx " + coordFormat.format(urx) + " ury " + coordFormat.format(ury)); } linkCount += 1; } } if (tet.get_errnum() != 0) { System.err .println("Error " + tet.get_errnum() + " in " + tet.get_apiname() + "(): " + tet.get_errmsg()); } /* * Close page in the input and output documents. */ p.end_page_ext(""); tet.close_page(page); } } private void execute() { TET tet = null; pdflib p = null; int pageno = 0; try { tet = new TET(); tet.set_option(GLOBAL_OPTLIST); p = new pdflib(); p.set_option("searchpath={" + DOC_SEARCH_PATH + "}"); if (p.begin_document(outfilename, "") == -1) { System.err.println("Error: " + p.get_errmsg()); return; } /* add document info entries */ p.set_info("Creator", "Create Weblinks TET Cookbook Example"); p.set_info("Author", "PDFlib GmbH"); p.set_info("Title", infilename); p.set_info("Subject", "Create weblinks for text matched by regex \"" + SEARCH_PATTERN.pattern() + "\""); int pdiHandle = p.open_pdi_document(infilename, ""); if (pdiHandle == -1) { System.err.println("Error: " + p.get_errmsg()); return; } final int doc = tet.open_document(infilename, DOC_OPTLIST); if (doc == -1) { System.err .println("Error " + tet.get_errnum() + " in " + tet.get_apiname() + "(): " + tet.get_errmsg()); return; } /* * Loop over pages in the document */ final int n_pages = (int) tet.pcos_get_number(doc, "length:pages"); for (pageno = 1; pageno <= n_pages; ++pageno) { process_page(tet, doc, p, pdiHandle, pageno); } out.println("Created PDF output document \"" + outfilename + "\" with " + linkCount + " content-based Web links."); p.end_document(""); p.close_pdi_document(pdiHandle); tet.close_document(doc); } catch (TETException e) { if (pageno == 0) { System.err .println("Error " + e.get_errnum() + " in " + e.get_apiname() + "(): " + e.get_errmsg() + "\n"); } else { System.err.println("Error " + e.get_errnum() + " in " + e.get_apiname() + "() on page " + pageno + ": " + e.get_errmsg() + "\n"); } } catch (PDFlibException e) { if (pageno == 0) { System.err .println("Error " + e.get_errnum() + " in " + e.get_apiname() + "(): " + e.get_errmsg() + "\n"); } else { System.err.println("Error " + e.get_errnum() + " in " + e.get_apiname() + "() on page " + pageno + ": " + e.get_errmsg() + "\n"); } } finally { tet.delete(); p.delete(); } } /** * @param infilename the name of the file for which the template will be * generated * @param outfilename the name of the output file */ private create_web_links(String infilename, String outfilename) { this.infilename = infilename; this.outfilename = outfilename; coordFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); coordFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); coordFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); } public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { System.out.println("Using output encoding \"" + OUTPUT_ENCODING + "\""); out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, OUTPUT_ENCODING); if (args.length != 2) { out.println("usage: create_web_links "); return; } create_web_links t = new create_web_links(args[0], args[1]); t.execute(); } }