/* * PDFlib Virtual File system (PVF): * Create a PVF file which holds an image or PDF, and import the data from the * PVF file * * This avoids disk access and is especially useful when the same image or PDF * is imported multiply. For examples, images which sit in a database don't * have to be written and re-read from disk, but can be passed to PDFlib * directly in memory. A similar technique can be used for loading other data * such as fonts, ICC profiles, etc. * * Required software: PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9 * Required data: image file */ package com.pdflib.cookbook.pdflib.general; import java.io.*; import com.pdflib.pdflib; import com.pdflib.PDFlibException; public class starter_pvf { public static void main (String argv[]) { /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */ String searchpath = "../input"; String outfile = "starter_pvf.pdf"; String title = "PDFlib Virtual File System"; pdflib p = null; int exitcode = 0; FileInputStream fis; byte[] imageData = null; try { p = new pdflib(); p.set_option("searchpath={" + searchpath + "}"); /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ p.set_option("errorpolicy=return"); /* Set an output path according to the name of the topic */ if (p.begin_document(outfile, "") == -1) throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg()); p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib Cookbook"); p.set_info("Title", title); /* We just read some image data from a file; to really benefit * from using PVF read the data from a Web site or a database instead */ fis = new FileInputStream("../input/PDFlib-logo.tif"); imageData = new byte[fis.available()]; fis.read(imageData); p.create_pvf("/pvf/image", imageData, ""); /* Load the image from the PVF */ int image = p.load_image("auto", "/pvf/image" , ""); if (image == -1) throw new Exception("Error: " + p.get_errmsg()); /* Fit the image on page 1 */ p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height"); p.fit_image(image, 350, 750, ""); p.end_page_ext(""); /* Fit the image on page 2 */ p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height"); p.fit_image(image, 350, 50, ""); p.end_page_ext(""); /* Delete the virtual file to free the allocated memory */ p.delete_pvf("/pvf/image"); p.end_document(""); } catch (PDFlibException e) { System.err.println("PDFlib exception occurred:"); System.err.println("[" + e.get_errnum() + "] " + e.get_apiname() + ": " + e.get_errmsg()); exitcode = 1; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); exitcode = 1; } finally { if (p != null) { p.delete(); } System.exit(exitcode); } } }