General info ( ------------------------------------- Using class 'com.pdflib.pdflib' for running Cookbook example (pCOS Interface 8) File name: ../input/pCOS-path-reference.pdf PDF version: 1.7 Encryption: No encryption Master pw: no User pw: no Text copying: yes Linearized: yes PDF/X status: none PDF/A status: none XFA data: no Tagged PDF: no No. of pages: 10 Page 1 size: width=485, height=714 No. of fonts: 9 embedded TrueType font PDFlibLogo-Regular embedded Type 1 CFF font ThesisAntiqua-Bold embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSansLight-Plain embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSans-Italic embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSansBold-Plain embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSansBold-Italic embedded Type 1 CFF font ThesisAntiqua-Normal embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSerif-Caps embedded Type 1 CFF font TheSansMonoCondensed-Plain Author: 'PDFlib GmbH' Copyright: 'Copyright 2005-2018 PDFlib GmbH' CreationDate: 'D:20180726173734Z' Creator: 'FrameMaker 2015.0.7' ModDate: 'D:20190409173846+02'00'' Producer: 'Acrobat Distiller 18.0 (Windows)' Subject: 'pCOS: PDF Information Retrieval Tool' Title: 'pCOS Path Reference' WebStatement: '' XMP metadata: 4109 bytes